This blog aims to help you cope with living with an alcohol abuser. I know what you are going through because I have lived through this situation myself. So I have set up the "HELP PAGES" on the right to help you cope with an alcohol affected life. Please start with the first page: "Living with an Alcohol Abuser".

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Feeling angry and hard done by - a victim suffering from someone else's drinking - is quite a common feeling for a while.

It just seems that you are very alone: no-one knows what you are going through, how much you have to put up with.

Most likely you cannot talk about it with anyone either - we just try to cover the mess up.

Keeping it to ourselves just makes us feel MORE like a victim.

However when we start to get help we learn that those feelings of being a victim actually feed our anger and our resentment.  We start to lose our sense of perspective, maybe get aggressive or reclusive.

None of this is helpful to us. We need to get a different view of our lives which are now affected by alcohol abuse.

We need to find some help from people who understand.

The HELP PAGES over on the right show what I found out when in your position: angry, lonely, ashamed. isolated, resentful.  We can learn to get a better life.  Reach out as I did.

You are not alone: many people are reading this blog along with you.  Have hope.

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