This blog aims to help you cope with living with an alcohol abuser. I know what you are going through because I have lived through this situation myself. So I have set up the "HELP PAGES" on the right to help you cope with an alcohol affected life. Please start with the first page: "Living with an Alcohol Abuser".

Thursday, November 15, 2012


This is one of the things that happen to us when we are living with an active alcohol abuser: we feel that we are totally alone with the problem, feeling lost and bewildered.


Because usually we feel very ashamed of our situation and dare not talk about it with anyone.  Certainly not family!  Or friends! So we end up feeling isolated.

And in truth we cannot talk about it to anyone: most people will not understand !! Sometimes others think the alcohol abuser is just "weak" and should be able to stop drinking. YOU will know by now that once alcohol takes a grip of a person's mind, that it starts to control the person: no hope of stopping easily.

So you end up alone, isolated, angry, maybe feeling victimised.

You need help.

Have a look at the HELP PAGES over on the right to see how I found help.

And if you have any questions why not make a COMMENT and ask??

Start to think about getting help, and good luck.

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