This blog aims to help you cope with living with an alcohol abuser. I know what you are going through because I have lived through this situation myself. So I have set up the "HELP PAGES" on the right to help you cope with an alcohol affected life. Please start with the first page: "Living with an Alcohol Abuser".


Previously I covered the Al-Anon way of Detaching from the Drinking, not the Drinker.  Trying this and seeing the positive changes in your family is the best way to see that the Al-Anon approach really WORKS.

But hang on, you may be thinking, "Didn't I start this to find out how to stop my partner drinking????   Why am I the only one that has to do something????   What about my drinker???

Yes you did hope to find a way to stop the drinking, like all the rest of us, and tried all the angry actions mentioned in the list on the first page - but it didn't work, did it??

In fact you should now realise that you can do NOTHING to change the drinker's mind at all, can you?? And that WE  ARE  POWERLESS  OVER  ALCOHOL.

So my friend, you may not like this but the reality is that YOU  ARE  THE  ONLY  ONE  THAT  CAN  CHANGE  ANYTHING!   Right?  Your drinker can change nothing and can only think of the next drink.

Remember the "the 3 C's"- this will save you a lot of heartache:
You didn't CAUSE  IT,  you CAN'T  CONTROL  IT,  and you CAN'T  CURE  IT.

In Al-Anon we have learned that the fastest way bring some sanity into the home and to cause the drinker to start thinking about stopping, is to follow the steps as in the page entitled "A Different Approach".

My life was a mess until I found Al-Anon Family Group meetings in 2002 and by doing just what I learned at Al-Anon Family Group meetings, I found that I could cope better with the drinking and our house became a better place to live, even while my partner kept drinking.  Eventually, with no pressure on her, she started to go to AA and gradually our lives improved.

Now you probably know of "AA"  but what is this "Al-Anon" stuff - you have probably never heard of it!

Well on our next page we will talk about "How Al-Anon can Help".  Meanwhile if you want to find out more about Al-Anon Family Groups, you can go to one of these websites to start: