This blog aims to help you cope with living with an alcohol abuser. I know what you are going through because I have lived through this situation myself. So I have set up the "HELP PAGES" on the right to help you cope with an alcohol affected life. Please start with the first page: "Living with an Alcohol Abuser".

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


This is a situation that crops up - you cannot bear what the drinker is doing to you and your family but you can't leave because of age or finances.  It seems hopeless.

So there are two things possible - GO ANYWAY and find a way to cope, or STAY and PUT UP WITH IT. People I know have done both.

If you have to stay despite everything, then you had better try to change something to help you cope. Otherwise you'll keep getting what you are getting.  It would be good to find ways to lessen the burden on yourself.

Perhaps as a start, read the previous post about "Living with an alcoholic" - that may give you some ideas.

What you have to try is find a way to reduce the impact of your drinker on YOU.  Usually the first step is to realise that you are NOT RESPONSIBLE for his/her drinking.  You are not to blame.  They don't have to drink because of you.

Then we have to learn to DETACH from the drinking - not the drinker - the drinking. Read that earlier post which covers this. Just let the drinker go and do what they want - you are powerless anyway. Stop fighting them.  Start to think about what YOU want to do, what YOU would like to do.  You don't HAVE to be controlled by the drinking.

By stopping any beating on the drinker you free them up to realise that it's THEIR problem, not yours.

Above all, try to get to an Al-Anon meeting or find some Al-Anon literature.  That will help you find a way to live with the situation.

It's not easy, but people learn to do it.

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