This blog aims to help you cope with living with an alcohol abuser. I know what you are going through because I have lived through this situation myself. So I have set up the "HELP PAGES" on the right to help you cope with an alcohol affected life. Please start with the first page: "Living with an Alcohol Abuser".

Friday, January 4, 2013


Firstly I wish you Peace, Harmony, Energy and Wisdom for the New Year of 2013.

Will things be better at home this year? We hope so!

But alcoholism is not affected by calendars and things may continue on as they have been. The drinking may continue, probably will. So do not be disappointed.

What should our attitudes be?

  •  ACCEPTANCE : we have a loved one affected by alcohol. That is not going to change quickly. Frustration, which we all feel at times, does not help.  Accepting our lot as loving an active alcohol abuser will help avoid frustration.
  • UNDERSTANDING : that our loved one is controlled by alcohol and that their brain is ruled by that substance. It is a disease of the mind, at present beyond their control. But it can change with time.
  • HOPE : that if we keep cool and accept the above attitudes and try to apply them to our lives, that one day our loved one may find reason to stop drinking.
The trio above would be a good start for the New Year. Not easy, but worth striving for.

For as you will see, a change in OUR attitudes can actually help the drinker begin to face their own truth.

I recommend you look through the HELP PAGES for more information that will help YOU.

Don't give up hope.

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