This blog aims to help you cope with living with an alcohol abuser. I know what you are going through because I have lived through this situation myself. So I have set up the "HELP PAGES" on the right to help you cope with an alcohol affected life. Please start with the first page: "Living with an Alcohol Abuser".

Saturday, October 6, 2012


This is what we ALL want to know: if he or she cannot stop drinking themselves, then how can I get them to stop?

Most of try to stop the drinking by finding the hidden stash of booze then pouring it down the sink.
Result: the booze still comes into the house but is hidden in increasingly more cunning ways.

We may try asking the drinker to stop drinking for our sake - after all, they love us, don't they?
Result: the drinker may agree to stop, but then we find they have resumed drinking again, maybe worse.

We may try telling them that the drinking is ruining our lives, that we can't stand it anymore.
Result: this can  make the drinker feel guilty, the antidote to which is to have more to drink.

So, does that mean that we can do virtually NOTHING to get the drinker to stop?
Unfortunately, that is just about the case. The only way a drinker can stop reaching for the next drink, or the first drink, is to want to.

And from bitter experience we have learned that we have no control over what the drinker thinks or will do.

So what can we do?
We can get help to first: learn to live with the drinking and leave the drinker alone.

This is not easy to do, but can be learned - it is the first step to getting our sanity back and some measure of contentment back into our lives.  The life of the drinker is, we have to learn, solely the drinker's concern.

I encourage you to read through the 'Help Pages' over on the right to learn more: we can get a better life and maybe even help the drinker begin to want to stop drinking.

Please read on. And know that you are NOT alone.

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