This blog aims to help you cope with living with an alcohol abuser. I know what you are going through because I have lived through this situation myself. So I have set up the "HELP PAGES" on the right to help you cope with an alcohol affected life. Please start with the first page: "Living with an Alcohol Abuser".

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


What a horrible feeling it is after some time, finding out that your loved one has started drinking again.    Stomach feels like its been kicked - we ask why? What started it off again?  What did I do?  What is WRONG with him/her? Why is he/she wrecking our lives again?  I really thought the drinking was ended this time!
This all too familiar scenario happens to us all who live with a drinker, or someone who is trying to give it up, but just cannot do it yet.  The thing is, the drinker is battling a most powerful mental disease, and yet is only human - sometimes the disease wins, and for little reason, he/she will reach for a drink. One drink and they cannot stop.
What can we do?
Nothing to stop the drinking. We have to learn - each time this happens - to ACCEPT it - take our MIND  OFF it - and focus on OURSELVES. 
How do we learn to do this, when it hurts so  much?
You can read what I did over in the "Help Pages" - how I managed to keep on going, with HOPE - while the drinker went up and down, time after time.

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